Feb 19, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin
Physics, B.A.
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Program Learning Outcomes
- Students will be able to use advanced mathematics to solve physics problems of increasing complexity.
- Students will be able to use scientific instrumentation to make measurements.
- Students will be able to analyze and make conclusions based on scientific data.
- Students will be able to design experiments to solve scientific questions.
- Students will be able to communicate scientific results in writing and orally.
- Students will be able to use computers to solve scientific problems.
- Students will demonstrate understanding of concepts of increasing complexity in physics.
General Education Requirements (30-40 Credits)
Prerequisite coursework may be required to satisfy certain General Education courses and will count as elective credit. Total Credits Required to Complete Major: 64
Basic Requirements: (41 Credits)
300-level PHYS electives including at least one of the following: (12 Credits)
(i) BA students may not receive degree credit for both PHYS 313 and PHYS 332 . (ii) Directed Studies cannot count towards the elective credits in physics. (iii) Students may count only one of the following courses towards the major: PHYS 463 , PHYS 472 , and PHYS 484 . Related Requirements: (23 Credits)
A one-year laboratory science course sequence in another natural science discipline
Because there is flexibility within the basic Bachelor of Arts degree requirements some options available are: - Interdisciplinary study (e.g. geophysics);
- Preparation for graduate study in physics and engineering;
- Qualification for commercial and/or industrial employment (e.g., for positions in physics research laboratories and as technical sales and/or service representatives).
Physics Other Requirements:
Minimum Competence Requirement A grade of C- or better is required for each of the following courses: PHYS 123 /PHYS 124 , PHYS 125 /PHYS 126 , PHYS 223 , PHYS 224 , PHYS 362 ; MATH 221 , MATH 222 , MATH 223 . Department Writing Requirement The Department requires writing in lab classes throughout the program building up to PHYS 362 Intermediate Laboratory . Requirements for Intermediate Laboratory include full reports that are evaluated with attention to style and technique as well as content. Students submit rewrites as necessary. A portfolio of reports from this course is maintained for each student. The writing requirement is satisfied by successful completion of PHYS 362 . Sample Course Map
For students who matriculated prior to Fall 2022: please select the bulletin year in which you entered the college (matriculated) at the top right of this page. Curriculum Map - First Year
- Fall - 17 Credits
- Spring - 15 Credits
- Second Year
- Fall - 17 Credits
- Spring - 15 Credits
- Third Year
- Fall - 15 Credits
- Spring - 13 Credits
- Fourth Year
- Fall - 15 Credits
- PHYS 3XX Elective - Credit(s): 3
- Integrative and Applied Learning - Credit(s): 3
- Electives - Credit(s): 9
- Spring - 13 Credits
- PHYS 3XX Elective - Credit(s): 3
- Electives - Credit(s): 10
Total Credit Hours: 120
Notes: 1. Lab Science I and II must be taken in the same discipline. 2. Variation in the order of courses is possible, depending upon prerequisites. Consult course information in the bulletin or your academic advisor to customize your eight semester plan. KEY - Participation in a Global Society (PGS)
Attributes: Sub Areas Abbreviation | Definition | DPP | Diversity, Pluralism, Power | WCV | World Cultures & Values | CGC | Contemporary Global Challenges | CAI | Creativity & Innovation | SST | Sustainability | Learning Areas Abbreviation | Definition | ARTS | Arts | HUMA | Humanities | SOSC | Social Science | |
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