Feb 18, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Bulletin
Comparative Literature, B.A.
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Lytton Smith, Coordinator (smithlj@geneseo.edu)
The flexibility to combine courses from several national literatures and to study literature along with other disciplines is the hallmark of the Comparative Literature major.
Students may also count courses which read literature in translation; however, a minimum of eight credits must come from upper-level (300 or 400 level) literature courses in a language other than English.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will demonstrate: - The ability to write analytically about texts in accordance with the conventions of comparative criticism.
- The ability to develop clear and effective arguments about literature following the conventions of standard English.
- The ability to evaluate the nature, function and value of literature from a global perspective.
- The ability to read texts closely to demonstrate familiarity with a variety of world literatures as well as methods of studying genres and literatures across national and linguistic boundaries.
- The ability to read texts in relation to history and culture.
- An understanding of how texts are related to social and cultural categories (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, ability), ideologies and belief systems (e.g. philosophy, science, politics, religion, education).
- The ability to “join the conversation” that is always ongoing among critics and scholars regarding texts, authors, contexts, and topics by engaging with secondary sources.
- An in-depth understanding of a single author, a small group of authors, or a narrowly-defined topic, theme, period, or issue.
General Education Requirements (30-40 Credits)
Prerequisite coursework may be required to satisfy certain General Education courses and will count as elective credit. Total Credits Required to Complete Major: 51-60
Basic Requirements: (16-20 Credits)
Other requirements by category: (35-40 Credits)
One course with an emphasis on genre from (4 Credits)
One course with an emphasis on theory from (3-4 Credits)
Two upper level (300- or 400- level) literature courses in a foreign language from (8 Credits)
Two courses in period studies from (8 Credits)
Electives: (12-16 Credits)
Four additional courses (ENGL, Global Languages and Cultures, and fields of interdisciplinary relevance to the student’s interest, chosen in consultation with the program coordinator) Minimum Competence Requirement
A grade of C- or better is required in all courses submitted in fulfillment of the Comparative Literature major. Department Writing Requirement
All courses in Comparative Literature emphasize the skills of effective writing. In addition, successful completion of a Senior Thesis satisfies the Department Writing Requirement. Sample Course Map
For students who matriculated prior to Fall 2022: please select the bulletin year in which you entered the college (matriculated) at the top right of this page. Curriculum Map - First Year
- Fall - 14 Credit Hours
- Spring - 15 Credit Hours
- World Language 102 - Credit(s): 4
- Natural Science w lab - Credit(s): 4
- ENGL Genre course - Credit(s): 4
- Global Society: DPP* - Credit(s): 3
- Second Year
- Fall - 15 Credit Hours
- World Language 213 - Credit(s): 4
- Period Studies 1 - Credit(s): 4
- Global Society: CGC* - Credit(s): 3
- Global Society: WCV* - Credit(s): 4
- Spring - 16 Credit Hours
- Third Year
- Fall - 15 Credit Hours
- World Language 302 - Credit(s): 4
- Global Society: SUST* - Credit(s): 3
- Theory elective - Credit(s): 4
- Major elective 1 - Credit(s): 4
- Spring - 15 Credit Hours
- World Language literature elective - Credit(s): 4
- Major elective 2 - Credit(s): 4
- Electives - Credit(s): 7
- Fourth Year
- Fall - 15 Credit Hours
- Major elective 3 - Credit(s): 4
- Major elective 4 - Credit(s): 4
- Electives - Credit(s): 7
- Spring - 15 Credit Hours
Total Credit Hours: 120
Note: Variation in the order of courses is possible, depending upon prerequisites. Consult course information in the bulletin or your academic advisor to customize your eight semester plan. KEY - Participation in a Global Society (PGS)
Attributes: Sub Areas Abbreviation | Definition | DPP | Diversity, Pluralism, Power | WCV | World Cultures & Values | CGC | Contemporary Global Challenges | CAI | Creativity & Innovation | SST | Sustainability | Learning Areas Abbreviation | Definition | ARTS | Arts | HUMA | Humanities | SOSC | Social Science | |
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