Feb 19, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Services

Milne Library

Milne Library is named to honor William J. Milne, first principal (1871-1889), and John M. Milne, second principal (1889-1903), of the Geneseo Normal and Training School.

Milne Library is home to the award-winning IDS Project: an innovative model of library cooperation for effective resource sharing, promoting community engagement, staff development, best practices, and research & development.

Library Quick Facts:

  • Milne’s collection includes over 400,000 books, bound periodicals, musical scores, DVDs and other media, digital media equipment, and other information resources.
  • Milne’s extensive catalogs, databases, and online journals provide access to millions of books and articles held by Milne and other libraries around the world.
  • Milne’s special collections include the College Archives, the Genesee Valley Historical Collection, the Wadsworth Family Papers (1790-1950), and the Carl F. Schmidt Collection in Historical Architecture. Smaller compilations include the Martha Blow Wadsworth Photography Collection, the Walter Harding Collection, and an extensive collection of works by and about Aldous Huxley.
  • Teacher Education Resource Center (TERC) has over 10,000 instructional materials; YA/JUV fiction and nonfiction books, curriculum guides, teaching handbooks, manipulatives, and textbooks to support the College’s elementary , secondary, and special education programs.
  • Information Delivery Services (IDS) provides access to books, articles and more from library collections across the state and throughout the world.
  • Ten librarians and a full-time technology instructor partner with teaching faculty from all departments to teach information and digital literacy skills and provide consultation services to students and faculty.
  • Milne is home to the Teaching and Learning Center, a resource for Geneseo faculty that focuses on supporting and promoting excellence in teaching.
  • The Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) in Milne Library provides a central location for multiple student support services including writing assistance through the Writing Learning Center, tutoring services from Access Opportunity Programs, speech buddy services via the English for Speakers of Other Languages office, and research help through Milne’s reference librarians.
  • The building is handicap accessible and has an adaptive technology workstation on the main floor.
  • Milne offers four fully equipped classrooms supporting over thirty courses per semester within the library.
  • Milne has an extensive gallery and multiple display areas, and works closely with students and faculty to showcase art, research projects, and special collections.
  • Milne provides support for a growing number of digital publishing projects including open textbooks, local history, and creative works by alumni, faculty, and staff.

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

The English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Program at SUNY Geneseo is designed to assist international and domestic students, faculty and staff whose first language is not English. The program assists students in building on their language skills to fully succeed in their academic programs. Detailed information can be found at esol.geneseo.edu.

Teaching and Learning Center

Geneseo’s Teaching and Learning Center located in Milne Library, is designed to reinforce the importance of teaching excellence as a fundamental responsibility of a public university. Through collaboration with faculty and administration, the Center supports a learning culture that values and rewards teaching, facilitates reflective dialogue about teaching and learning, encourages the development of teaching as a practice and a scholarly activity, invites innovation in curricular development, and encourages the creation of diverse learning environments in which all students can learn and excel. Information about programs can be found at tlc.geneseo.edu.

Computing & Information Technology

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facebook: CIT@Geneseo

Computing & Information Technology supports student learning and development by providing technology infrastructure and facilities, information technology services, and support for students, faculty and staff.

Geneseo requires students to bring a laptop computer to college to enable students, faculty, and staff to take advantage of learning opportunities that exist only when every student in a classroom has a laptop. The requirement also encourages students to develop essential computer skills and has established a campus culture that allows exploration of innovative and effective classroom and co-curricular uses of information technology.

Many laptop friendly workspaces with wireless connectivity, power outlets and shareable displays are available for individual and collaborative work. Software.geneseo.edu provides free download to MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, and Publisher) and other applications the College has licensed for student use. Collaborative software tools such as Confluence and Google Apps for Education are also provided. All buildings, including residence halls, are wireless. Most Geneseo students report owning a wireless mobile device. The Geneseo Mobile app provides access to resources like class schedules, registration, billing, meal plan balances, notifications, online directory, events, news, campus map, and more. It can also help you find other apps recommended for Geneseo students. Search for “Geneseo Mobile” on your device’s app store and add it today. A
virtual computing lab provides students access to Geneseo licensed software from their own computers from anywhere at anytime.

my.geneseo.edu is a personal, customizable, web-based information “gateway” to SUNY Geneseo resources such as email, student balances, KnightWeb, campus news and events and more with a single sign on. KnightWeb is a web interface to college administrative services where students register for courses, make payments, review/accept financial aid, view grades, and more.

Presentation technologies are available in all Geneseo learning spaces. Faculty can use, Canvas, a learning management system, to post documents, administer surveys, quizzes and tests, create discussion forums, wikis and blogs, receive and grade assignment, post grades and more. Canvas is used to supplement a traditional classroom course with online content or to deliver courses totally online. Canvas can be accessed from mobile devices with the free Canvas app.

The CIT HelpDesk, located in Milne Library, offers carry-in support for Geneseo students, faculty, and staff personally-owned laptops and mobile devices. Services offered at the HelpDesk include: network setup (including wifi & VPN), adding printers, academic software installation, Geneseo account assistance (setup, passwords, quota), and general computer questions. Off-campus businesses are available in the Geneseo Community that can provide hardware repair, OS installation, data recovery, virus removal and other computer repair serices not provided by CIT.

Access Opportunity Programs (AOP)

Geneseo’s Access Opportunity Programs (AOP) serve as one of the College’s means for expanding its student body to include the rich ethnic, racial, age, economic and cultural diversity of our society. The programs extend higher education opportunities primarily to NY state residents who are under-represented in higher education.

The AOP department consists of the State’s Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) and the locally-sponsored Transitional Opportunity Program (TOP). EOP is a statewide, special admissions program, that provides academic, financial, and tutorial assistance to students whose academic achievement may have been influenced by income factors. TOP is a collegesponsored program designed to address Geneseo’s interest in achieving a diverse campus community. The College seeks to enroll students from racial, ethnic, cultural, economic, and geographical backgrounds, as well as age groups that are traditionally under-represented in the college community. While the programs serve different groups of students, they are similar in that they both provide educational access and academic support services to participants. The Access Opportunity Program is proud to have a Geneseo chapter of Chi Alpha Epsilon, a national honor society that recognizes the academic achievement of students in opportunity programs. (For further information, see geneseo.edu/aop)

The AOP Application Process

  1. All AOP applicants must complete a SUNY application in order to become a candidate for admission. In order to apply for admission through EOP, the applicant must indicate interest by answering yes to the EOP Question when  completing the application. Applicants interested in TOP should contact the Office of Admission or the AOP Department.
  2. Although AOP applicants may not satisfy all of the academic standards required for general admission, their potential for success at Geneseo will be established through an in-depth examination of their academic history. Supporting and/or verifying documentation will include: a counselor or teacher recommendation; standardized test scores (SAT, ACT, TOFEL and GED); a high school transcript;.

Office of Disability Services

The Office of Disability Services is dedicated to providing advocacy, accommodations, and support services to students with disabilities who present current and proper documentation of disability to the office. Whether their disabilities are temporary or permanent, it is the mission of the office to provide these students equal and comprehensive access to collegewide programs, services, and campus facilities by offering academic support, advisement, and removal of architectural and attitudinal barriers.

The Office of Disability Services will proactively provide, at no cost to the student, reasonable accommodations designed to ensure that no qualified student with a disability is denied equal access to, participation in, or benefit of the programs and activities of SUNY Geneseo.

The Office of Disability Services encourages mainstream participation of students with disabilities alongside fellow students in academic, cultural, and recreational activities. It is the responsibility of individual students to choose whether to take advantage of any Disability Services offerings. Students anticipating use of support services must, by law, self-identify as such, and therefore should contact the Director of Disability Services as soon as possible to discuss accommodations; planning ahead will facilitate obtaining services in a timely manner. For further information see website at disability.geneseo.edu

Scheduling, Events and Conference Services

College facilities are available to faculty, staff, and recognized student organizations for the sponsorship of various educational and social programs. All programs will be conducted under College guidelines and supervision and they may be open to the public.

The top two goals of Scheduling and Events are to 1) Use campus resources wisely and 2) Provide planning support and information for events on campus. To accomplish these goals effectively, all requests for space must be approved through the Scheduling, Events and Conference Services.

Scheduling and Events administers and enforces the Facility Use Policy. Scheduling and Events provides scheduling, physical arrangements, event planning, and coordinating facility use with all relevant College support departments including Campus Auxiliary Services, CIT, Facilities Services, University Police, Student Life and Intercollegiate Athletics and Recreation.

For more information on the Scheduling, Events and Conference Services, please visit our webpage at geneseo.edu/events_office, call 585/245-5500 or visit us in Erwin Hall, room 23.