GLOBE: Geneseo Learning Outcomes for Baccalaureate Education
The Geneseo learning outcomes for baccalaureate education described below are designed to guide the entire Geneseo education. Inspired by the AAC&U’s statement on Liberal Education and America’s Promise, this document provides the curricular and co-curricular foundation for students to achieve an integrative education that supports the College’s mission.
Broad and Specialized Knowledge
The Geneseo curriculum introduces a broad range of methodologies, concepts, and problems through a rigorous general education program and fosters the pursuit of deep and complex understanding through engagement with academic majors and minors. The college mission to promote “pursuit of an enriched life” and “success in the world” requires that students acquire, use, and communicate knowledge; practice intellectual flexibility; and investigate domains beyond their professional interests.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will demonstrate:
Broad Knowledge: To develop broad knowledge of Physical and Life Sciences; Behavioral and Social Sciences; Arts, Languages, and Humanities.
Specialized Knowledge: To develop deep understanding of a body of specialized knowledge.
Intellectual and Practical Skills
In support of Geneseo’s institutional mission as “a center of excellence in undergraduate education,” college values stress “high standards for intellectual inquiry and scholarly achievement.” Geneseo prepares students for twenty-first century challenges through the development of intellectual and practical skills that transcend disciplinary boundaries and are applicable throughout their lives.
Learning Outcomes:
Critical Thinking in the Major
Students will be able to
clearly articulate an issue or problem;
identify, analyze, and evaluate ideas, data, and arguments as they occur in their own or others’ work;
acknowledge limitations such as perspective and bias; and
develop well-reasoned (logical) arguments to form judgments and/or draw conclusions.
Information and Digital Literacy in the Major
Students will be able to
understand how computing is relevant to their discipline (e.g., What is computational biology? What are the digital humanities?)
use digital tools effectively for information-gathering, analysis, communication, and self-expression within the context of the discipline
understand discipline-specific ethical dimensions of digital technology (e.g., how, in digital spaces within the context of the discipline, the following come into play: privacy, autonomy, attribution, diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging)
Leadership and Collaboration in the Major
Students will be able to
engage others in developing collaborative solutions
promoting, considering, and responding to diverse viewpoints
manage and share work fairly and respectfully
Written and Oral Communication in the Major
Within a discipline and at an advanced level, Students will be able to
research a topic, develop an argument, and organize supporting details;
demonstrate coherent college‐level communication (written and oral) that informs, persuades, or otherwise engages with an audience;
evaluate communication for substance, bias, and intended effect; and
Integrative and Applied Learning
Geneseo’s mission underscores an institutional commitment to “transformational learning experiences” and “a rich co-curricular life.” Integrative learning fosters the ability to connect and combine knowledge and skills acquired through the curriculum and the co-curriculum to new complex situations within and beyond the college and to foster reflection on the ways that such knowledge is utilized. Such learning develops through such high-impact practices as international experiences, service and community-based learning, intensive research activities, internships, advocacy, learning communities, and capstone courses and projects.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- Integrate multiple bodies of knowledge with their personal experience by asking meaningful questions to address real-world problems
- Apply skills, theories, and methods gained in academic study, professional experiences, and/or co-curricular experiences to new situations
- Reflect upon changes in their learning and outlook over time, and integrate into their future endeavors based on that self-reflection