Mar 13, 2025
MATH 382 - Introduction to Wavelets and Their Applications Credit(s): 3 Lecture: 3 Non-Lecture: 0 This course is an introduction to the basics of digital images, Fourier analysis, wavelets, and computing in an applications first approach. Digitized photographs (or sound files) are stored as very large matrices and manipulated initially using basic linear algebra. Basic programming in Matlab, Maple, or Mathematica will be introduced as a means of performing the manipulations and a discovery tool. Wavelet transforms are used to aid in compressing or enhancing digital photographs, de-noising sound files, and compression using the JPEG2000 standard. Each student in the course will work on a final project that will involve coding, writing up the results in a paper, and presenting the results at the end of the semester. Offered spring, odd years.
Prerequisite(s): MATH 222 , MATH 233 , MATH 239 , and MATH 230 , or permission of instructor.
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