Mar 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Geological Sciences, B.A.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify, describe, and interpret Earth materials, and evaluate the physical, geometric, and temporal relationships.

  2. Recognize and interpret the origin and evolution of erosional or constructional landscapes (e.g., fluvial, glacial, arid, coastal, volcanic, deformational) within the context of modern tectonics and climatic concepts.

  3. Recognize and utilize the laws of superposition and faunal succession in deciphering Earth history.

  4. Use appropriate field and analytical tools for the purpose of data collection and analysis.

  5. Critically evaluate data and interpretations, and succinctly communicate data and observations using spreadsheets, graphical and/or spatial analysis tools.

  6. Access and utilize the geologic literature.

  7. Communicate effectively in both oral and written formats as well as be comfortable with the language of geology.

  8. Create, read, and interpret topographic maps, geologic maps, and cross-sections.

General Education Requirements (30-46 Credits)

Prerequisite coursework may be required to satisfy certain General Education courses and will count as elective credit.

Total Credits Required to Complete Major: 67-70

Related Requirements: 21-24 credits


*Three credits of GSCI 393   or GSCI 399   can substitute for one 300-level elective class. Adolescence Certification majors can substitute GSCI 200 for a 300-level elective.

**Students seeking Certification in Adolescence Education (7-12): Earth Science and General Education may satisfy this requirement with approved classes in meteorology and astronomy

Minimum Competence Requirement

A grade of C- or better is required for each of the following courses: GSCI 160 , GSCI 161 , GSCI 170 , GSCI 210 , GSCI 301 , GSCI 431 , GSCI 341 , GSCI 451 , GSCI 361 , and GSCI 491 .

Department Writing Requirement

A portfolio of student term papers will be established. It will contain papers submitted as partial fulfillment of requirements in the following courses: GSCI 301 , GSCI 341 , GSCI 451 , GSCI 361  (required courses) or GSCI 410 , GSCI 332 , GSCI 335 , GSCI 443 , GSCI 345 , GSCI 347  (electives). Prior to the student’s final semester, the Department will, as a group, review at least three papers in the portfolio. If the faculty agree the work is satisfactory, the student will have successfully completed the writing requirement. Should review of the papers indicate that the student’s writing skills are not acceptable, she, he, or they will be required to enroll in a course that emphasizes writing skills. [It could be a regularly scheduled course or a directed study course.]

For further information, please contact your advisor or the Department Chair.

Sample Course Map

For students who Matriculated prior to Fall 2022: please select the bulletin year in which you entered the college (matriculated) at the top right of this page.

Curriculum Map

Total Credit Hours: 120

Note: Variation in the order of courses is possible, depending upon prereqisties.  Consult course information in the bulletin or your academic advisor to customize your eight semester plan.  
*BIOL 116  can be taken in conjunction with BIOL 117  or BIOL 119 .
**CHEM 119  can be taken in conjunction with CHEM 116  or CHEM 203  or CHEM 118  or CHEM 204  

KEY - Participation in a Global Society (PGS)


Sub Areas

Abbreviation Definition
DPP Diversity, Pluralism, Power
WCV World Cultures & Values
CGC Contemporary Global Challenges
CAI Creativity & Innovation
SST Sustainability

Learning Areas

Abbreviation Definition
HUMA Humanities
SOSC Social Science