Feb 09, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Accounts

College Expenses

Expenses associated with attendance at the College are controlled largely by outside agencies and are, therefore, subject to change. Current information is available from the Office of Student Accounts, Erwin 103.

Tuition, fees, room and board are due and payable on or before the date specified on the Student Billing Statement. Costs for housing and food services are comparable to the cost of similar services in the community.


Full-time Undergraduate students
  New York State Resident per year $7,070.00
  Out-of-State Resident per year $16,980.00
Part-time Undergraduate Students
  New York State Resident per credit $295.00
  Out-of-State Resident per credit $708.00


College fee
  Full-time students per year $50.00
  Part-time students per credit $1.70
Undergraduate Comprehensive Fee
  Full-time students per year $1,736.00
  Part-time students per credit $72.35
Undergraduate Comprehensive Fee

The Undergraduate Comprehensive Fee of $868.00 is charged to and paid by all undergraduate students, including those taking in-person and/or remote courses, whether they live in Geneseo or elsewhere.  The fee is prorated on a per credit hour basis for part-time students.  As in previous years, students facing extraordinary circumstances may request a full refund by sending a written justification to the Dean of Students.  Requests for refunds of the Alumni, Health, Performance and/or Activity fees, only, must be sent to the department as indicated below.  Components of the Undergraduate Comprehensive Fee are as follows:    

  • Activity ($107.00) - The fee includes (but is not limited to) support of student clubs and organizations, student activities, educational programs and Student Association services. Contact the Student Association Director of Programs, Personnel and Finance by the end of the first month of the semester to request a refund of this fee.    
  • Athletic ($223.50) - Support of intercollegiate athletic sports programs.  The fall semester services have been modified with many virtual services added and in-person services modified for the pandemic to serve the broad community.  The fee has been discounted for fall from $278.50 due to the suspension of fall semester competitions.  
  • Alumni ($17.50) - Student activities related to career networking, traditions, school spirit and class affinity, and, upon graduation, lifetime membership to the SUNY Geneseo Alumni Association (SGAA) which gives students access to the alumni network, events, programs, career advisor platform, and publications.  Contact the Alumni Association by the second Friday of the semester to request a refund of this fee.      
  • Health ($225.50) - Health care provided by physicians, nurse practitioners and registered nurses, health education, mental health consultation, basic medications (over-the-counter and prescription), dressings, and select medical laboratory services.  $50.00 of this fee covers extended services including prescription medications, lab testing, immunizations and may be refunded by contacting the Lauderdale Center for Student Health and Counseling by the second Friday of the semester.     
  • Performance ($5.00) - In person and online musical, theatrical, and dance performances.  Contact the Provost’s Office to request a refund of this fee by the second Friday of the semester.     
  • Technology ($242.00) - Technology infrastructure, internet, wired and wireless networks, HelpDesk student support (including remote), classroom technology, learning management system (Canvas), library resources (including books, journals and databases), printing services, computer labs, KnightWeb, software licensing (including Microsoft Office, LinkedIn Learning, Zoom, and other software licensing), performance venue technology, and emergency communications.   
  • Transportation ($47.50) - Support of the student transportation program - shuttle bus service throughout campus, Village of Geneseo, and local and regional shopping centers.  Services have been modified and safety measures implemented for the pandemic response.    

Room Rent (subject to revision)

Standard Double per year $8,622.00

Meal Plan (subject to revision)

Silver Plan per year (not available to First Year students) $4,700.00
Gold Plan per year $5,240.00
Platinum Plan per year $5,850.00
Off-campus Plan per year $750.00
Other plans are available from Campus Auxiliary Services  

Other Expenses (subject to revision)

Books and supplies estimate (books and supplies vary by individual) $1,000.00

Payment Policies - SUNY Geneseo Bills Electronically

College bills are emailed to the student’s Geneseo email address and are due approximately three weeks prior to the beginning of a semester. Failure to make appropriate payment may result in the cancellation of advance course registrations. The next opportunity to register with appropriate payment would be at the onset of open registration. Subsequent bills are issued throughout the semester as needed. These bills are payable on or before the due date printed on the bill. Failure to meet the payment deadline will result in a late fee of up to $50.00. Grades, transcripts, and future registrations will be withheld until full payment is received. Accounts that remain outstanding will be referred to a third party collector where additional collection costs and interest will be assessed.

Financial Liability Policies

When a student registers at Geneseo, they assume responsibility for paying all tuition and fees associated with their enrollment.  Adjustments to these charges may occur if class(es) are dropped, or a student takes a leave of absence or officially withdraws from the College within the published deadlines. 

The date used to determine financial liability for individual courses will be the date the student dropped the course(s) in KnightWeb.  For the fall & spring semesters, if a student drops a course but remains enrolled in 12 or more credits (full-time), there will be no adjustment to charges.  If you encounter problems with KnightWeb, please contact the Registrar’s Office

The date used to determine financial liability for a Leave of Absence or Official Withdrawal will be the effective withdrawal date recorded by the Office of Enrollment Management.  

Students will not incur any financial liability for courses dropped before the start of an academic term.  The College Fee is nonrefundable beginning on the first day of classes for the term. Tuition and the Comprehensive Fee will be adjusted as outlined in the schedules below.  

Tuition & Comprehensive Fee 

Withdrawal by the end of:

  • First week: 0% liability 
  • Second week: 30% liability 
  • Third week: 50% liability 
  • Fourth week: 70% liability
  • Fifth week and after: 100% liability 

These are in accordance with SUNY policy.

Room Fee and Meal Plan

Withdrawal Date:  

  • Within the first half of the semester: 50% liability of Room fees
  • After the first half of the semester: 100% liability of Room fees
  • Within the first half of the semester: Liable for sum of actual meal plan usage and administrative fee
  • After first half of the semester: 100% liability of meal plan

These are in accordance with Residence Life and Campus Auxiliary Services.  Please contact their respective offices with any questions or concerns related to these policies.  


Special Refunds and Fee Waivers

In general, the Dean of Students is responsible for administration of extraordinary refund and fee waiver procedures involving all students, part-time or full-time. When students leave the College for reasons absolutely beyond their control, refunds stipulated in the SUNY Geneseo Refund Policy may be increased if the departure occurs before the middle of the semester. Under similar circumstances, refunds for room and board may be approved if the departure occurs at any time during the semester. Applications for exceptional withdrawal refunds are initiated with the Dean of Students, who may authorize refunds for extraordinary circumstances. Students must submit a letter to the Dean explaining the extraordinary circumstances causing the student withdrawal from school. Additional documentation may be required.

Other Waivers

Late registration fee waiver due to delay beyond a student’s control: requests are made to the Dean of Curriculum and Academic Services, who has sole authority to authorize the Student Accounts Office to waive the fee.

Late payment fee waiver due to delay beyond a student’s control: written requests are made to the Director of Student Accounts.

Meal plan considerations for medical reasons or extreme hardship:requests are made via the Meal Plan Modification Application available from the Director of Dining Services.

Return of Federal Financial Aid Policy

Federal law mandates how a school must compute the amount of federal financial aid that a student earns if he/she withdraws (officially or unofficially), takes a leave of absence, drops out of school, or is dismissed prior to completing 60% of the semester. Specifically, the amount of federal financial aid that the student earns is based on the percentage of the semester completed. All unearned federal financial aid must be returned. Careful consideration should be given to the financial ramifications of separating from the college prior to completing 60% of the semester. Additional information regarding this policy is available from the Office of Student Accounts.


Tuition Deposit

All students who accept admission to the College must send an advance tuition deposit of $150.00. Deposits may be paid on line or mailed to:

Office of Admissions
Doty Building
SUNY Geneseo
1 College Circle
Geneseo, NY 14454-1471

This amount is applied against the semester charge for tuition and fees.


Students who are entering in September, if notified of their admission:

  1. by April 1, must submit the deposit by May 1; or
  2. after April 1, must deposit within 30 days after receipt of such notification, but before classes begin.

Students who are entering in January, if notified of their admission:

  1. by October 1, must submit the deposit by November 1; or
  2. after October 1, must deposit within 30 days after receipt of such notification, but before classes begin.

Room Deposit

Students who intend to reside in College housing facilities must submit to the Office of Admissions an advance deposit of $150.00 (in addition to the $150.00 deposit for tuition and fees already described).

Deposit Refunds

Tuition Deposit Refund

The advance tuition deposit for new students ($150.00) is refunded routinely:

  1. for the fall term when a written request is received by May 1 or 30 days after admission, whichever is later, but before registration; and
  2. for the spring term, when a written request is received by November 1 or 30 days after admission, whichever is later, but before registration.

In special cases, when a written request is received by the Director of Admissions after the deadline, a refund may be granted if:

  1. in the opinion of the Vice President for Enrollment Management, upon receiving the Director’s recommendation, the circumstances involved are beyond the student’s control and warrant such action; or
  2. the student forwarded the deposit based upon a conditional acceptance that was subsequently rescinded.

Requests for the return of tuition deposits must be received in the Office of Admissions by the dates indicated above.

Room Deposit Refund

The $150.00 room deposit is applied against room rent for the first semester. It is refunded, if:

  1. a written request is received before May 1 or 30 days after admission (for students entering in September) or before November 15 (for those entering in January); or
  2. when received later, it is approved by the Director of Residence Life only because of circumstances entirely beyond the student’s control.

All room deposit refund requests should be sent to:

Residence Life
MacVittie College Union 319
SUNY Geneseo
1 College Circle
Geneseo, NY 14454