Feb 09, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies, Standards, and Information

Academic Advisors

Academic advisors are faculty or staff members who assist students in planning their academic programs. Students who have declared majors are assigned advisors in their major departments. Students who have not yet declared majors are assigned faculty advisors by the Office of the Dean of Academic Planning and Advising. Students should contact their academic advisors when planning their programs for the following semester. Advisors are available either during posted office hours or by appointment. Although the advisor’s role in offering assistance is very important, the ultimate responsibility for devising suitable schedules, fulfilling degree requirements, meeting college deadlines, and adhering to College policies rests with the student. Thus, before they meet with their faculty advisors, students should become familiar with the College’s requirements, their department’s requirements, and their own academic transcripts.

Mandatory Advisement

Students who meet any of the following criteria are required to consult with their academic advisors and secure approval for course selections before they are allowed to register for courses:

  1. First-year students (students within the first 24 credits at Geneseo);
  2. First-semester transfer students;
  3. Students listed as Pre-Accounting, Pre-Business Administration, and Pre-Economics majors;
  4. Students on probation, and students whose grade point averages fall below 2.30.

Other students have the option of self-advising, but the College strongly recommends that all students meet with their academic advisors each semester. Students who self-advise assume full responsibility for their schedule of classes and progress toward completion of degree requirements.


Students register for courses online through KnightWeb at times specified by the College. Registration windows are posted on the College’s academic calendar and include summer orientation (for registering new students), advance registration (for continuing students), and open registration (for students who did not register during advance registration sessions). To be officially registered for courses, students must clear any outstanding financial obligations to the College. Registration information is provided through KnightWeb for each semester and special session.


Some courses have prerequisites, major restrictions, or other conditions that may determine a student’s eligibility to enroll. Prerequisites and conditions, where applicable, appear at the end of a course description in this Undergraduate Bulletin and in KnightWeb. Students are responsible for noting such prerequisites and conditions and may be blocked from registering for, or may be deregistered from, courses for which they lack prerequisites.

Attendance at the Beginning of the Semester

All students are expected to attend each meeting in the course in which they are registered, beginning with the first scheduled class meeting; the only exceptions to the foregoing are students who add the course later in the Drop/Add period or who have made prior arrangements with the instructor.

Students who know in advance that they will be out of class during the first two days of class should notify the Office of the Dean of Students and the instructor. With the exception of religious observances, the instructor determines whether an absence is excusable. Therefore, students should make every effort to communicate directly and promptly with their respective instructors if they are absent.

Cross-Registration with Rochester Area Colleges

Full-time students at the College (i.e., those registered for at least 12 credits at Geneseo) may cross-register for additional course work at several colleges and universities in the Rochester area (RAC) without paying additional tuition. Permission for cross-registration will be granted only when the requested course is never offered at Geneseo and is applicable to the student’s degree program. The number of participating institutions varies from year to year but includes both public and private schools. More information on RAC cross-registration is available from the Office of the Dean of Academic Planning and Advising.

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)

The opportunity to enroll or participate in the Army and Air Force ROTC programs is available to all full-time students from all degree fields through cross-registration at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT); the program includes classroom instruction and leadership training, physical training, and tactical training.

Additional information is available on activities, scholarships, financial benefits, and graduate school opportunities. You can learn more about Army ROTC via the RIT Department of Military Science.

Enrolling in Graduate Courses

An advanced undergraduate student in the School of Education may apply to take up to six hours of 500-level graduate coursework related to the student’s degree program. Application should be made to the Dean of the School of Education. A decision will be made based on (1) the student’s academic progress, grade-point average, and rationale for enrolling in graduate courses; and (2) the availability of space in the course.

If the student is within 12 credits of graduation when enrolling in graduate courses, the student may elect to have the graduate coursework appear on a graduate transcript; otherwise, it will appear on the student’s undergraduate transcript.

Auditing Courses

Auditing is the process of attending a class without enrolling or receiving credit. Persons wishing to audit courses must receive permission from the instructor of the course and the chair of the department in which the course is offered. The College provides no formal recognition or proof of attendance to auditors.

Dropping and Adding Courses

Once students are enrolled in courses, they may need to change their schedules. A “drop/add” period is provided before and during the first week of each academic term, when students may add or drop courses from their schedule through Knightweb. Specific dates and procedures for each drop/add period can be found on the College’s academic calendar. An add or drop that is accepted with special approval after the published Drop/Add deadline will be assessed a $20 late fee per course.

Withdrawing from Courses

Students may withdraw from courses after the end of the drop-add period but before the withdrawal dates published each semester on the College’s academic calendar. In courses from which they have withdrawn, students receive the grade of “W,” which does not affect the grade point average; however, students who stop attending without withdrawing formally will receive a failing “E” grade. Although withdrawals do not affect students’ grade point averages, they can affect hours completed for satisfactory progress requirements and are recorded on students’ transcripts. See “Academic Standards” below for the minimum hours needed to maintain satisfactory progress.

Declaring Majors and Minors

Successful completion of a major program is a graduation requirement. Students must declare a major by the beginning of the junior year (i.e., by the time they complete 60 credits). Students who have not declared a major by that time are considered not to be making progress toward a degree and are not eligible for financial aid. In addition, the College reserves the right to prohibit the registration of any student who has not formally declared a major by the time they achieve junior status.  The major is declared by completing and returning the appropriate form, available online from the Office of the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising.

Additionally, students who wish to major in programs offered by the School of Education must apply for admission into those programs. Information about admissions standards can be found on the department websites and in the Academic Program section of this Bulletin. Candidates for teaching certification should also complete the form to identify their certification programs and concentrations.

Students may choose to complete up to two minors, which are declared by submitting the appropriate form, available online from the Office of the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising. At least 9 credits of a minor must be distinct (i.e., not overlapping with major requirements or with the requirements of another minor or concentration.)

Students may choose to complete a second major. At least 24 credits of a second major must be distinct (i.e., not overlap with major requirements of the first major). Permission is required from a department or school offering two or more majors in order for a student to have a second major within the same department or school. Students completing two majors must satisfy the writing requirement of their first major.

Students may use required related courses outside of their major department to satisfy the requirements of a second major. Students may use courses in second major and minors to satisfy the general education requirements. A student’s declared curriculum, including major(s), minor(s), and concentration(s), is indicated on the official transcript.

Changing Majors and Programs

Students may change their major if they are maintaining at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point average and a 2.00 average in coursework in the discipline they wish to enter. If these conditions are not met, students seeking to change their program should consult with the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising. Special application procedures must be followed by students who wish to enter majors in the School of Education. Forms for requesting changes of major or program are available from the Office of the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising.


The internship program provides students with vocational experiences designed to complement their academic studies and introduces them to professional activities related to their baccalaureate degree programs.

Several departments offer internship experiences related to their majors; these are identified in the Bulletin with the department’s prefix and the number X95. The internships take place in field settings within participating firms or agencies and are supervised by faculty from the sponsoring academic departments. Interns are required to fulfill a set of objectives related to their majors, mutually agreed upon by the student, the faculty director, and the agency. Internships vary in length and credit value. Arrangements for internships are made by the student in cooperation with the student’s department chair, or a faculty member designated by the department, and the Career Design Center. Students enrolled in internships must provide their own transportation.

Internships may also be arranged as INTD X95 directly with Geneseo’s Internship Coordinator and the field supervisor. INTD internships are graded S/U. 

Enrollment in internships is generally limited to those students who have earned at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point average and a 2.50 in prerequisite courses. An exemption from this requirement may be granted if the department chair and/or internship coordinator approve. Students may apply no more than 15 credits of internship credit toward the baccalaureate degree. The application of credit in internships toward the requirements for the major is governed by the departments, except that no department may accept more than 6 internship credits to be included in the credits required in the major.

Political and Legal Affairs Internships

Geneseo participates in several internship programs that encourage students in all majors to work with agencies related to local, state, or federal government. Further information about the nature and requirements of these programs is available from the chair of the Political Science Department or from the Associate Director for Internship Opportunities in the Career Design Center.

Student Teaching Internships

Each professional program that requires a period of student teaching has certain course prerequisites that must be met prior to this experience. Students should become familiar with the requirements and meet them in the proper sequence. Students who are in certification programs in the School of Education should see the section on “Student Teaching” in the School of Education  section of this Bulletin.

Studying at Other Colleges

Geneseo students who take courses at other colleges or universities and expect to transfer those credits to Geneseo must request approval for the courses by completing a course approval form prior to taking the courses. Courses must be credit-bearing and must be reported to the Geneseo Office of the Registrar on an official transcript from an accredited college. Grades and quality points earned elsewhere do not transfer.

Students who plan to leave Geneseo temporarily on special programs which involve fees, registration, and credit at Geneseo (e.g., study abroad under State University of New York sponsorship) do not withdraw or take a formal leave of absence. These students should consult with staff in the Study Abroad Office, to assure proper academic planning, classification, and credit.

All students who plan to attend another college or university as visiting students, or who plan to study abroad under sponsorship of institutions other than the State University, or who plan to enroll in a program cooperatively sponsored by the College and another institution (e.g., the 3-2 engineering program) should consult with staff in the Office of the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising. These students must obtain, complete, and return the form for requesting a leave of absence and the form for approval of courses taken at other institutions.

Study Abroad

Studying abroad is open to all students of all majors and all identities. No matter what barriers a student sees in front of them, financial, personal, or academic, students are encouraged to meet with the Study Abroad Office Staff to begin exploring ways to overcome those barriers.

SUNY Geneseo regularly administers 60 study abroad/study away programs spanning 35 countries and representing 6 continents. SUNY Geneseo students may also study abroad through other SUNY institutions. SUNY students can participate in a variety of programs based in over 65 countries in every continent of the world. The Study Abroad Office assists students who are interested in short-term, semester or year-long study abroad programs. In addition, interested students are encouraged to consult with their academic advisors and with the Office of Financial Aid. (For further information see studyabroad.geneseo.edu.)

Students intending to study abroad must be in good academic standing in the semester prior to their study abroad program. Credits earned while studying abroad at a partner institution are treated as transfer credits and will not be included in a student’s cumulative SUNY Geneseo GPA, whereas credits earned while studying abroad on a SUNY Geneseo faculty-led study abroad program are included in a student’s GPA. A grade of C- or above must be earned for a course to be accepted for transfer credit. SUNY Geneseo does not accept transfer credit for courses graded on a Pass/Fail or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis. SUNY regulations recommend one credit to be awarded per week of study abroad. Students intending to use specific courses taken abroad to fulfill SUNY Geneseo requirements must consult and receive prior approval for the courses from their major department and/or the Dean of Academic Planning and Advisement. Up to three credits per semester of courses which do not align significantly in substance and level with the course that comprise the formal curriculum at Geneseo may be transferred with prior approval. The deadline for pre-approval of courses is May 1 for summer and fall study abroad programs and December 1 for intersession and spring study abroad programs.

Academic Standards, Dismissal, and Probation

Academic Standards

All students are expected to maintain satisfactory levels of academic achievement (at least a 2.00 cumulative grade point average and appropriate levels of credits completed satisfactorily in each semester) throughout their tenure at Geneseo and to make satisfactory progress toward their degrees. Note that some departments and programs require higher grade point averages for admission to and/or progress in the major. The Office of the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising monitors students’ progress at the end of each fall and spring semester.

The College recognizes that some students will need assistance in making the adjustment to the demands of college work. The College’s academic standards regulations provide short-term, provisional requirements intended to help these students make satisfactory progress toward their degree.

Changes or revisions in Academic Standards are approved by the College Senate and distributed by the Office of the Academic Planning & Advising. Academic Standards and other academic policies for students in the Access Opportunity Program are available from the Director of AOP.

Good Standing

Good standing status for a semester is defined as: (1) the successful completion of a minimum of 11 credits of coursework (8 credits for students in their first semester at Geneseo), and (2) a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00.

Academic Probation

Full time students are reviewed for academic probation at the end of each fall and spring semester. First-semester students, whether first-year or transfer, are not subject to academic probation. First-semester students who complete fewer than 8 credits will be placed on credit warning; first-semester students who achieve a cumulative grade point average of 1.99 or lower will be placed on academic warning. Full time students who have completed at least two semesters at Geneseo will be placed on probation if they fail to complete the minimum number of credits required for good standing in two successive semesters or if their cumulative GPA falls below 2.00. Any student placed on credit warning, academic warning, or academic probation will will receive a letter from the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising recommending that the student take such actions as seeking academic counseling and reviewing work schedules. Students placed on academic probation will be required to receive academic advisement before registration. Students on probation must meet the criteria for good standing in their next semester or they will be dismissed. Unless otherwise stipulated by the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising, students on probation are not precluded from participation in college-sponsored co-curricular activities.

Extended Time to Return to Good Standing

If a student placed on academic probation (AP) successfully completes EXPL 125 - Academic Bootcamp  in the semester immediately following, but fails to meet the requirements for good standing (11 completed credits and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher), the College will defer “dismissal” for an additional semester. Enrollment in EXPL 125  is recommended for students who go on academic probation, but not required.

Academic Dismissal

Students are reviewed for academic dismissal at the end of each fall and spring semester. Students on probation will be dismissed if they fail to meet the criteria for good standing. Dismissed students are no longer eligible to continue at the College and will be denied further registration. Notification of dismissal is sent by mail and email to the student’s address on record with the College, at the end of the semester in question. Each student is responsible for informing the College through the Office of Records and Scheduling of updates and changes to their address.


  • Students placed on probation may be restricted from selected academic opportunities requiring a cumulative GPA above 2.00, such as Internships, Overseas Study, and honors opportunities. Please consult the Office of the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising.
  • The College defines a “full-time” load as twelve credits registered and paid for. The minimum number of credits required to meet the good standing status is not the same as a “full-time” load.
  • Students receiving financial aid should consult the Financial Aid Office, Erwin 104, concerning eligibility to receive or retain financial aid.

Academic Resignation

Students who are subject to academic dismissal and are so notified by the Office of the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising may elect to resign from the College in advance of an appeal. Students choosing this option will waive their right to appeal their academic standing and/or any course grade not already under appeal by the end of the semester in which they become subject to academic dismissal. Upon resignation, the College will remove all indication of academic dismissal or academic dismissal pending from its transcript records. Any resigned student who later seeks readmission to Geneseo will be subject to all regulations applied to dismissed students who seek readmission (see “Readmission after Dismissal or Resignation” below). Complete information on the process for dismissal, appeal, and resignation is available from the Office of the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising.

Students who choose neither to resign nor appeal their dismissals, students whose appeals are denied, and students who fail to meet specified conditions for reinstatement following appeals that are granted are formally dismissed from the College. Such students should meet with staff in the Office of the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising and must complete a specified exit procedure; failure to do so could result in their being refused readmission and denied copies of transcripts. All questions concerning exit procedures may be addressed to the Division of Student and Campus Life.

Appeals of Dismissals

Students wishing to appeal their dismissal at the end of the academic semester must submit a written statement to the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising. The letter should detail the specific reasons and/or circumstances that warrant the appeal. The appeal letter must be postmarked no later than 10 calendar days after the date on the dismissal letter. The Academic Standards Committee reviews the written appeal and the entire record of the student. The Academic Standards Committee has the authority to uphold the dismissal, repeal the dismissal with conditions, or repeal the dismissal. Conditions of reinstatement set by an Academic Standards Committee may limit the number of appeals, set target grade point averages, or place other conditions on a student that otherwise supersede general guidelines for academic standards.

Degree Time Limitation

Students enrolled in a baccalaureate program at the College who fail to maintain continuous enrollment in at least one course each semester are administratively withdrawn from the College unless they have been granted a Leave of Absence in advance. Such students must be readmitted to the college before they will be permitted to resume their studies.

If the standards of admission in effect at the time of application for readmission are met, a student may be admitted to a degree program current at the time of readmission. The Dean of Academic Planning & Advising, in consultation with appropriate department chairs, will determine which courses completed prior to withdrawal will be applied to degree programs elected following readmission.

Readmission after Dismissal or Resignation

Students who have been academically dismissed or who resign may not apply for readmission until at least two criteria have been met. First, at least one year must have elapsed since the time of academic dismissal. Second, students are expected to complete successfully a minimum of one full-time semester at another accredited college, or a comparable experience (as determined by the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising). Students are required to submit an application for readmission, transcripts from any colleges attended, and, in addition, should provide a brief written statement detailing the reasons for returning to Geneseo. Readmission to the College does not automatically readmit students to majors or programs which have separate admission or proficiency standards (the School of Business or the School of Education).

Using the procedures described above, an Academic Standards Committee reviews the records of dismissed students and those who resigned in previous semesters and wish to be readmitted to the College. The Committee has the authority to recommend or deny readmission and to specify conditions for readmitted students.

Readmitted students should be aware that their previous Geneseo academic record remains as a part of their Geneseo cumulative average and is considered in academic reviews conducted in subsequent semesters. They should also be aware that the Geneseo cumulative average is not altered by grades earned at other institutions. Readmitted students return under the catalog of the year of their readmission. For further information, see the section on “Readmission.”

Semester Honors

Dean’s List

Students will be named to the Dean’s List for a fall or spring semester if they meet all of the following criteria during the given semester:

  • they have carried 12 or more credits in courses earning quality points;
  • they have received no final grades of D, E, U, or F;
  • they have no Incomplete grades in any course; and
  • they have attained a semester’s grade point average of 3.50 or above.

Dean’s Lists are not calculated for Intersession or Summer Sessions. Students who receive this scholastic honor are notified by letter by the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising.

President’s List

Students who meet all of the qualifications for Dean’s List but whose semester grade point average is 4.00 will be named to the President’s List as well as the Dean’s List. These students will be commended in a letter from the President of the College.

Degree Honors

Criteria for degree honors (summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude) are discussed under the “Graduation” section of this Bulletin.

Credit Toward a Degree

Credit Contact Hour Policy

Face-to-Face Courses
Course credit is the unit of contact hours of instruction. One credit hour requires 50 minutes of class work and two hours of outside preparation, or the equivalent in independent study, each week during a semester. The distribution of that time between class activities (such as lecture, recitation, laboratory, field trip) and outside preparation varies from course to course. Generally, a three-credit course requires 150 minutes of classroom activity and six hours of out-of-class preparation per week. Thus, a normal 15-credit load requires approximately 42.5 hours per week of the typical student’s time.

Online Courses
Online courses have the same learning outcomes as the corresponding face-to-face offerings. For courses offered online, students are expected to actively engage with the instructor and/or materials posted by the instructor for a duration of 50 minutes per credit, each week during a semester. Online class activities include, but are not limited to, interactive instruction, recorded lectures, discussion boards moderated by the instructor, and other virtual study arranged by the instructor. Additionally, each credit requires two hours of outside preparation, or the equivalent in independent study, each week during the semester.

Hybrid Courses
Courses with a blend of face-to-face and online classes must also meet the total amount of instructional and outside preparation time.

Study Abroad Courses
State University of New York regulations allow one credit to be awarded per week of Study Abroad.

Classification of Students

Students are classified as follows:

First Years Fewer than 30 cumulative credits
Sophomore At least 30 but fewer than 60 cumulative credits
Junior At least 60 but fewer than 90 cumulative credits
Senior 90 or more cumulative credits

Academic Load

Students will be allowed to register for a maximum of 17 credits during Advance Registration. This limit is raised to 19 credits during the first week of classes (or the Drop/Add period). Students with an overall GPA of 3.00 or higher and a record of prior semesters with at least 15 earned credits may request special permission from the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising to enroll in more than 19 credits for the semester.

Full-Time Load

A full-time load is defined as a minimum of 12 credits for which the student has registered and paid in full.

Credit Restrictions

Of the 120 total credits required to graduate, students may apply no more than 20 credits combined from Directed Studies, undergraduate teaching assistantships, EMT/EMS training, ROTC, and H&PE courses. The limits for each individual program are as follows:

  • Directed Studies: 12 credits
  • Teaching assistantships: 6 credits
  • EMT/EMS: 6 credits
  • ROTC: 8 credits
  • H&PE courses: 10 credits (of which no more than 4 credits can be from 100-level activity courses)

Teaching assistantships, H&PE activity courses, and some internships and EMT/EMS courses have the S/U grading option only and, therefore, will not be counted toward students’ cumulative GPA.


Final grades are recorded as:

A, A- excellent                                                                                                                                                                                                     
B+, B, B-      very good                                                                                                                                                                                                         
C+, C satisfactory                                                                                                                                                                                                     
C- minimal competence                                                                                                                                                                                     
D marginal                                                                                                                                                                                                     
E failure                                                                                                                                                                                                              
F failure in courses elected under the pass-fail option which are not completed successfully                                                                        
P pass in courses elected under the pass-fail option which are completed successfully, with work equivalent to a grade of C- or higher
S satisfactory is equivalent to a grade of C- or higher                                                                                                                                 
U unsatisfactory                                                                                                                                                                                               
W withdrawn                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Students receive W grades in cases of: disciplinary action resulting in dismissal, involuntary withdrawal, administrative release, and voluntary withdrawal prior to the published deadline. Voluntary withdrawals (i.e., a cessation of attendance and coursework) after the published deadline result in E grades, unless a request for special consideration is approved by the Dean of Students and the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising.

Grade Point Average

The grade point average defines the level of scholarship achieved by a student. It is used in determining scholastic standing and in establishing eligibility for honors.

The average is computed by dividing the “quality points” earned by “credits carried.” “Carried credits” include all those for courses in which grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, or E are received. Quality points are awarded as follows for each of these assigned final grades:

Final Grade Quality Points per Credit
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D 1.0
E 0.0

No other grades received at the College (e.g., P or S) earn quality points. Grades in courses taken at other schools and accepted in transfer do not earn quality points at Geneseo.

At the end of each semester two grade point averages are computed: one for the “Current Semester” (which reflects the results only of courses carried in the semester just completed) and the other for the “Cumulative Record” (which reflects the results of all courses completed to date at the College). Grade point averages calculated for students with “Incomplete” designations on their records are not official; the official computation is done when final grades have replaced any “I” and have been recorded.

Determination of a sample grade point average for a semester follows:

Dept. and No. Course Credits Grade Quality Points
COMN 102   Princ. of Public Speaking 3 A- 11.10
HUMN 220   Western Humanities I 4 B+ 13.20
GSCI 160   N/Physical Geology 3 C+ 6.90
GSCI 161   N/Physical Geology Lab 1 A 4.00
PSYC 100   Introductory Psychology 3 D 3.00
Total   14   38.20
        GPA = 2.72

The grade point average in the example above equals 38.20 (quality points) divided by 14 (credits carried) = 2.72, which indicates a level of scholarship above a C (2.00) for the semester. (Note: Grade point averages are truncated to two decimal places, with no rounding up from a third decimal place.)

All students are expected to maintain cumulative grade point averages of 2.00 (C) or better. These averages are determined by dividing total quality points earned by total graded credits carried to date. Note that individual majors/programs may require higher than a 2.00 for admission to, or continuance in, the major.

Pass-Fail Option

During the course of their undergraduate programs, students may elect a pass-fail option for no more than a total of four courses.*

Courses taken Pass-Fail cannot be used to meet major, minor, or concentration requirements, including related requirements in the major.

Students may choose the pass-fail option from the first day of the fall or spring semester, intersession, or any summer term until the posted deadline listed on the Academic Calendar (customarily one week before the final exam period). Students elect the pass-fail grading mode (or revert to “normal” grading prior to the deadline) through the Knightweb registration system. Students who elect the pass-fail option must do all of the regular work of the course, following syllabus requirements and consulting with faculty to determine their standing in their course if they need access to assignment grades and other assessments. Grading mode may not be changed after the posted deadline.

To receive a grade of P, a minimum grade of C- must be earned in the course. D and E grades are translated as F’s.

A grade of “F” means “no credit,” but does not affect GPA. A grade of “P” indicates earned credit, but also has no effect on GPA. Final grades of P (pass) and F (no credit) do not earn quality points. Students should note that they must carry 12 or more credits in courses earning quality points in order to be eligible for semester honors. “F” grades may impact full-time status, including earning sufficient credits each semester to meet financial aid requirements and to remain in “good” academic standing.

Students are advised to consult with their academic advisor and/or the Office of the Dean for Academic Planning and Advising to understand the potential impact of Pass-Fail grading mode on future plans, including graduate and professional school applications.

* Undergraduate courses selected for Pass-Fail in Spring 2020 will be excluded from the maximum of four elections.

Exceptions to Pass-Fail Policy

  1. Transfer students, from both domestic & international post-secondary schools, may apply credits earned under a pass-fail or satisfactory-unsatisfactory grading method at prior institutions, so long as that is the course’s normal grading method. In this situation, the credits may apply toward a major, general education, and/or total credits, so long as the credits are earned prior to transferring to Geneseo.
  2. Post-matriculation Geneseo students may use credits earned in pass-fail or satisfactory-unsatisfactory courses at international universities or in study abroad programs if the courses are only offered as pass-fail or satisfactory-unsatisfactory. In this situation, the credits may apply toward a major, general education, and/or total credits.
  3. Post-matriculation Geneseo students may use credits earned as pass-fail or satisfactory-unsatisfactory in American post-secondary institutions if the course is only available with that grading mode and only towards elective or general education credits, not for a major, minor, concentration, or related requirements for the major. Credits earned in pass-fail or satisfactory-unsatisfactory courses are subject to normal limits on activity or internship credits.

Repeat Course Policy

General Policies

Although there are restrictions on repeating certain courses, generally, students may choose to repeat courses in which they have earned grades of D, E, F, U, or W. Courses in which students earned grades of P, S, C- or higher, may not be repeated. The repeat course option is subject to course availability. Credits for a repeated D course will be counted only once toward graduation. Students who wish to repeat a course assume responsibility for knowing what, if any, repeat restrictions apply to any particular course. Restrictions are noted in individual course descriptions in the Undergraduate Bulletin. Invalid or improper enrollments may result in loss of registration, grades, and/or credits.

If a student violates the Repeat Course Policies by enrolling in a course that they are ineligible to repeat, the student may be administratively withdrawn from the course. Students may not use the Pass/Fail option for repeating courses in which grades of D or E were earned.

Financial Aid Notice: Students receiving aid should consult the Financial Aid Office before repeating a course. Repeated courses may have an impact upon financial aid eligibility.

Minimum Competence

Students must repeat courses in their majors in which they received a grade of D or E if those courses are designated as “minimum competence requirements” by the major department. Minimum competence in those courses is demonstrated by earning at least a C- grade. Students may not enroll in any subsequent courses having any minimum competence requirements as prerequisites unless the minimum grade of C- has been earned in the prerequisites or unless special permission is granted by the chair of the department.

Students who receive special permission to take a subsequent course and who earn a final grade of C or better in that course will not be required to repeat the minimum competence prerequisite course(s) in which a grade of D was earned. Consult the individual department program descriptions in the Undergraduate Bulletin for the list of courses identified as requiring “minimum competence” in each major.

Note: that a C- grade may not be sufficient to meet the College standards of 2.0, or the higher grade point averages required by the School of Business and the School of Education.

Grade Calculations in Repeated Courses

Repeated courses will be reported as follows: a) the original and the repeat grade(s) appear on the transcript; b) only the higher (or highest) grade is included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average. When a student earns the same grade in a repeated course a) the grade is calculated once in the cumulative grade point average and b) the credits and quality points are applied to the most recent term or semester in which the grade was earned.

SP Grades

SP (Satisfactory Progress) is used to report the status of students enrolled in some “Directed Study” projects and research courses whose work extends beyond one semester. When the work is completed, the SP is converted to the regular final grade assigned by the instructor. Credits for such courses are not computed in determining cumulative grade point averages until the final letter grade has been recorded.


A temporary grade of “I” (incomplete) may be awarded when a student has been unable to complete a course due to circumstances beyond his or her control. Instructors determine whether an “I” grade is appropriate and work out a plan for completion of required work with the student. A grade of “I” must be converted to a letter grade within six weeks of the start of the semester following the semester in which the “I” was awarded. If the “I” is not converted to a letter grade within six weeks of the following semester, it will be converted to an “E.” An extension of the six-week period is permissible, if the supervising faculty member agrees. The faculty member must contact the Registrar’s Office to request the extension and indicate the new deadline for completion.

Students with “I” grades are not eligible for the Dean’s List during the semester in which the “I” was awarded. Students with financial aid awards should contact the Financial Aid Office prior to requesting any extension of the “I” grade.

Grade Appeal

The Dean for Academic Planning and Advising will assist students and faculty navigating grade appeals. The Associate Provost for Academic Success oversees the grade appeal process.

Instructors are responsible for assigning grades to student work. Responsibility for resolving grading disputes is shared among the instructor, the student, the department chair and the Provost’s Office.

If a student believes that they have been graded unfairly, the first step is to schedule a meeting with the instructor to discuss concerns. If, after talking with the instructor, the student continues to believe they have been graded unfairly, the student may file a written appeal with the department or program chair. The appeal must be lodged no later than four weeks into the semester following that in which the disputed grade was earned. The only grounds for appealing an instructor’s grade is a student’s belief that a grade has been assigned on a capricious or arbitrary basis. That means:

  • The assignment of a grade to a particular student on some basis other than their performance in the course;
  • The assignment of a grade based on more exacting or demanding standards than were applied to other students in the course;
  • The assignment of a grade by a substantial departure from the instructor’s previously announced standards (for example, using criteria not specified in the syllabus or miscalculating the final grade).

After reading the written appeal, the department or program chair will consult with both the instructor and the student in reaching a recommendation on the appeal. The chair’s recommendation should be made in writing and preserved for use if the student chooses to pursue a further appeal.

If the student is not satisfied with the departmental recommendation, they may submit a written appeal to the Associate Provost for Academic Success. The Associate Provost may convene a committee of faculty to review the case and make a recommendation to the Provost’s Office.

In cases in which a student alleges bias, discrimination, or other serious misconduct, the department or program chair and/or Associate Provost should direct the student to the relevant office for further investigation (e.g., Title IX, the Office of Diversity and Equity, or the Provost’s Office). If an investigation is conducted by another campus office, the grade appeal process is paused pending resolution. The Provost’s Office may authorize a grade change in cases where an investigation by another office finds evidence that the student experienced discrimination, bias, harassment, or other capricious or arbitrary conduct.

The assignment of a “P” grade with waivers to count the course towards major and general education requirements may be an appropriate resolution to a successful grade appeal.

Grade Change

All changes of grades must be made within twelve weeks of the start of the semester following the semester in which the original grade was awarded. Changes are limited to error or miscalculation; all other changes must follow the grade appeal process and be initiated by the student prior to the end of the fourth week of the semester following the term in which the grade was received.

Grade Reports

Students are encouraged to consult their instructors for information about their academic progress. At the midpoint of the fall and spring semesters, instructors report the academic achievement of first year students and first-semester transfers to the Registrar’s Office. These students receive a “Mid-Semester Grade Report” (on the web) and are advised to review their status with their academic advisors. This grade information is also distributed to advisors. The Dean of Academic Planning & Advising sends a warning letter, expressing concern and offering suggestions, to any first year student or first-semester transfer student earning a grade of less than “C” in any course.

Final grade reports are available on KnightWeb to students who do not have financial obligation to the College approximately one week after the fall, spring, intersession, or summer session.

Use of Credit Toward Multiple Degrees

Concurrent Degree Policy

Academic credit earned at the College, or at any other institution of higher education, in a program that has resulted in the awarding of a baccalaureate or advanced degree is not counted toward the awarding of another degree at Geneseo. (This regulation does not apply to any 3-2 or other cooperative programs agreed upon by Geneseo and cooperating institutions.)

Subsequent Degree Policy

When a student concurrently meets the requirements of more than one option or major within a single broad field of study, a single degree should be awarded rather than two separate degrees. (This does not preclude transfer arrangements under which coursework is completed at another institution toward a professional degree and transferred back for completion of a degree at the initial campus.) Programs which lead to two different academic objectives may result in the awarding of two degrees, provided the requirements of each program have been met; and at least 30 credits of coursework beyond the single degree requirement has been completed. No more than 12 credits can be allowed to overlap between the two programs. At the graduate level, at least 30 credits of additional study must be undertaken for the attainment of two degrees at the same level. Application for the second degree is through the readmission process (described in the section titled - Readmission in the Bulletin). Readmission to pursue a second degree is not guaranteed. Applications will be reviewed by the Dean of Academic Planning & Advising in consultation with the relevant academic departments or programs.

Transfer Credit

Transfer candidates are encouraged to meet with an admissions advisor to discuss the applicability of their transfer credits to the specific degree programs in which they plan to enroll. An unofficial transfer evaluation, including a list of equivalent courses at Geneseo for which credit has been granted, is provided upon request. Course credits transfer to Geneseo, although grades and quality points earned elsewhere do not transfer. To receive appropriate credit, an applicant must ensure that official transcripts from all previous institutions are on file in the Admissions Office. Final authority on transfer credit acceptance lies with the Office of Academic Planning and Advising.

Courses completed at regionally accredited institutions of higher education which align significantly in substance and level with the courses that comprise the formal curriculum at Geneseo, and which are recorded on official transcripts are awarded credit under the following conditions:

  1. Students may transfer a maximum of 45 credits completed while concurrently enrolled in high school. Of these, a maximum of 30 credits may be AP, IB, and CLEP credits. Credit will not be awarded for courses that overlap with AP, IB and CLEP credits (see “Credit for Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Proficiency Examinations”).
  2. Students may transfer a maximum of 60 credits from a two-year, degree-granting institution. (including no more than a total of 30 AP, IB, and CLEP credits).
  3. Students may transfer a maximum of 90 credits from a four-year, degree-granting institution (including no more than a total of 30 AP, IB, and CLEP credits and no more than 60 credits from two-year institutions.
  4. Students may not repeat courses that they have successfully completed at another degree-granting institution.
  5. Graduates of community colleges who earn A.A. or A.S. degrees in the liberal arts may expect full credit, up to a maximum of 60 credits, upon enrolling at Geneseo.
  6. Coursework from proprietary institutions will be reviewed on a course-by-course basis.
  7. A grade of C- or above must have been earned for each course accepted for transfer credit. Geneseo will not accept transfer credit for courses graded on a Pass/Fail or Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory basis. For information on transferring credit for single courses taken during summer or intersession see “Studying at Other Colleges.” 
  8. For students transferring credits from another SUNY campus:
  • Local general education requirements beyond the SUNY-GER shall not require a transfer student to exceed the number of credits to graduation required of native students in the same program.
  • A passing grade counts as successful completion for the SUNY-GER area at any campus. A SUNY-GER course completed at another SUNY campus with a D grade will be indicated with a “TD” grade on the Geneseo transcript; while the student will not receive credits for the course, it will be used toward fulfillment of the general education category

Credit for Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Proficiency Examinations

A maximum of 30 credits may be awarded for achievement on college-level examinations such as the Advanced Placement Examination (AP) and the International Baccalaureate (IB). To receive credit for AP or IB, students must have official reports forwarded to the Admissions Office; for AP examinations, students must earn a score of at least 3 and for IB, a score of at least 4. Individual departments determine course equivalents for that credit. Students are eligible for credit for the CLEP and other subject examinations if examinations are taken before matriculation at Geneseo. Credit is awarded based on achievement of specified minimum scores and according to established department evaluation. Geneseo does not accept transfer credit for internal placement examinations given at other institutions. (The MLA exam is administered by the Department of Global Languages and Cultures and is an exception to this rule. For further information see “Placement in Foreign Languages Study ” or consult the Foreign Language Department.)

Non-Matriculated Status

Undergraduate non-matriculated status permits students who are not pursuing a degree program to register for a limited number of credit hours (not more than a total of 30 credits). To maintain satisfactory academic standing in the College, non-matriculated students must earn at least a 2.00 grade point average in every semester in which they are enrolled and complete 50% or more of the credits for which they are registered. Applications for non-matriculated status are available from the Office of the Registrar. Non-matriculated students may take no more than 15 credits per semester, or 5 credits in intersession. When a non-matriculated student reaches the 30-credit limit, they will need to meet with Enrollment Management.


Candidates who previously enrolled at the College as matriculated students and who wish to resume their studies must submit an application for readmission to the Director of Admissions stating the term for which they wish to be readmitted, the circumstances that caused their separation, and information concerning any college courses completed in the interim, and the degree program they plan to pursue. General Education and degree requirements are effective from the catalog of your readmission date. Applications for Readmission are available from the Office of the Dean of Academic Planning and Advising.

Term Application Due
Fall June 1
Spring December 1

Former students who wish to resume their studies in restricted programs such as those offered by the School of Business or the School of Education should consult with the Dean of Academic Planning and Advising to determine eligibility for matriculation. Normally, students who have been separated from the College for academic or social reasons will not be considered for readmission until one full year has elapsed. Additionally, those who have been separated for academic reasons must successfully complete a minimum of one full-time semester at another accredited college before requesting readmission to Geneseo. No applicant is guaranteed readmission.

A College Academic Standards Committee reviews the records of all applicants for readmission who have been separated from the College for academic reasons. For further information, see “Readmission after Dismissal or Resignation.”

Classroom Policies


Students are expected to attend all classes. Furthermore, the College recognizes that students hold primary and ultimate responsibility for their academic performance and accomplishment. Students are expected to recognize the importance of regular class attendance and to complete satisfactorily all requirements of all courses in which they are registered.

Student attendance in classes on religious holidays is governed by New York State Education Law, and students who do not attend classes on certain days because of religious beliefs should refer to the policy below.


During the first week of each semester members of the teaching faculty are required to prepare for each course an electronic version of the syllabus and publish the syllabus to the college’s learning management system. Students who request a paper copy of the syllabus will be provided with one by the instructor. The following information, subject to reasonable changes as circumstances require, must be provided in the syllabus:

  1. an outline of the sequence of the course and the topics to be covered in the course;
  2. a reading list, texts, and/or materials required;
  3. grading procedures;
  4. the intended learning outcomes of the course;
  5. test dates including date and time of the final examination;
  6. schedules for assignments, experiments, and projects;
  7. descriptions and due dates of papers the student will write for the course.
  8. information on legally required accommodations for persons with disabilities, attendance in classes on religious holidays, and leaves of absence for service members on active military duty.

Statement of Student Accommodation

SUNY Geneseo is dedicated to providing an equitable and inclusive educational experience for all students. The Office of Accessibility will coordinate reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities to ensure equal access to academic programs, activities, and services at Geneseo. Students with letters of accommodation should submit a letter to each faculty member and discuss their needs as soon as possible.  Please contact the Office of Accessibility Services for questions related to access and the process for requesting academic accommodations:

Office of Accessibility Services
Erwin Hall 22
(585) 245-5112

Absence from Class Due to Illness or Emergency

Students should notify the Office of the Dean of Students as soon as possible if, by virtue of illness or personal emergency:

  • they will be delayed from returning to school at the start of a semester;
  • they will be absent from class for an extended period of time during a semester;
  • they will be unable to take final exams and/or otherwise prevented from completing the semester.

The Dean of Students attempts to facilitate communication between students and their faculty when students must be absent from classes for extended periods. Notices sent to faculty provide reasons for absences given by the students, parents, or perhaps a friend. The Dean does not routinely verify the information provided in these notices, and faculty may require later documentation of the medical problem, emergency, or unusual situation which prevented the student’s attendance.

In notifying faculty of student absences, the Dean employs the following procedures:

  1. The Dean of Students after being informed of the problem will send notice of absence to instructors when a student has been absent for at least one week and has not been able to contact faculty due to reasons beyond the student’s control.
  2. The Dean of Students will notify faculty of emergencies (usually medical) which prevent a student from attending classes at the beginning of a semester or participating in final examinations at the end of a semester. Students in the latter situation may receive Incomplete grades at the discretion of the instructor.
  3. Faculty should state their positions on student absences from class in the course outlines provided to students at the beginning of each semester. As noted above, faculty may wish to receive verification from the student of the reasons for a student’s absence. The faculty member is responsible for deciding what absences are legitimate.
  4. For all illness or emergencies, whether for brief or extended periods of time, students should contact faculty directly, particularly if they will be likely to miss exams or major assignments. At their discretion faculty may request documentation of excuses for missing assignments and may use the documentation (or lack thereof) in determining whether to make accommodations on students’ behalf. Such documentation may consist of a statement from a doctor or other health care professional, a verification of visit from the College’s MyHealth portal, an obituary notice, etc.

Policies Governing Student Attendance in Classes on Religious Holidays

New York State Education Law Section 224-a reads as follows:

  1. No person shall be expelled from, or be refused admission as a student to, an institution of higher education for the reason that he or she is unable, because of his or her religious belief, to attend classes or to participate in any examination, study, or work requirements on a particular day or days.
  2. Any student in an institution of higher education who is unable, because of his or her religious beliefs, to attend classes on a particular day or days shall, because of such absence on the particular day or days, be excused from any examination or any study or work requirements.
  3. It shall be the responsibility of the faculty and of the administrative officials of each institution of higher education to make available to each student who is absent from school, because of his or her religious beliefs, an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study or work requirements which he or she may have missed because of such absence on any particular day or days. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to the said student such equivalent opportunity.
  4. If classes, examinations, study or work requirements are held on Friday after four o’clock post meridian or on Saturday, similar or makeup classes, examinations, study, or work requirements shall be made available on other days, where it is possible and practicable to do so. No special fees shall be charged to the student for these classes, examinations, study, or work requirements held on other days.
  5. In effectuating the provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of the faculty and of the administrative officials of each institution of higher education to exercise the fullest measure of good faith. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of his or her availing himself or herself of the provisions of this section.
  6. Any student, who is aggrieved by the alleged failure of any faculty or administrative officials to comply in good faith with the provisions of this section, shall be entitled to maintain an action or proceeding in the supreme court of the county in which such institution of higher education is located for the enforcement of his or her rights under this section.
  7. A copy of this section shall be published by each institution of higher education in the catalog of such institution containing the listing of available courses.
  8. As used in this section, the term “institution of higher education” shall mean schools under the control of the board of trustees of the State University of New York or of the board of higher education of the city of New York or any community college.

Active Military Service

The federal Higher Education Act of 1965 requires higher education institutions to provide leaves of absences and other certain benefits to those service members on active duty for thirty or more consecutive days, 20 U.S.C. § I 091c and 34 C.F.R. §668.18. In addition, NYS Education law requires institutions to provide leaves of absences to any student member of the National Guard or other reserve component of the armed forces who has been “called to or ordered to active duty,” as defined in federal law, regardless of the time spent on active duty. NYS Education Law §6350.

The relevant provision in federal law defines active duty as “full-time duty in the active military service of the United States. Such term includes full-time training duty, annual training duty, and attendance, while in the active military service, at a school designated as a service school by law or by the Secretary of the military department concerned.” 10 U.S.C. §101(d)(I).

Individuals on active duty are entitled to excused absences from classes during their period of service and should not be penalized in any way.

Cancellation of Classes for Extraordinary Weather Conditions

It is College policy to continue as much as possible normal hours of operation and maintain a regular work and class schedule for faculty, staff members and students during periods of severe weather. 

If classes are to be cancelled, communication of the President’s decision to the College Geneseo community will be through:

  • Announcements via the “allstudents” list serve 
  • A “Weather Alert” button on the SUNY Geneseo home page linking to applicable information
  • Posts made to Geneseo’s official social media outlets 
  • If cancellation of classes has been declared prior to the beginning of the instructional day, announcement notifications will be sent to local and regional media outlets

A cancellation of classes applies to all instructional activities, regardless of modality.  It is understood that all College faculty, staff and students will be afforded the opportunity to make their own decisions about reporting to work or classes with due consideration for travel safety.  Students who decide to miss class due to weather events when classes are in session should notify their faculty members in a timely fashion and contact the Dean of Students if additional support is needed.  When possible, students should clarify faculty expectations prior to the onset of a weather event.


Pre-Graduation Check

Students are required to complete Graduation checks in their junior and senior years. The purpose of these audits is to ensure that students understand precisely what they must do to fulfill all remaining graduation requirements. Each student is required to meet with his or her advisor to review online degree audits through Degree Works.

Application for Graduation

Geneseo holds one commencement ceremony in May for undergraduates who complete their degrees in the fall, spring, intersession, or summer term.   

Candidates for degrees must apply for graduation by completing the online Graduation Application form by deadlines posted on the Academic Calendar. Students qualify for participation in May commencement if they have completed all their degree requirements (with the exception of student teaching) in December of the previous calendar year, or will complete them in May or August of the current calendar year. Failure to complete a Graduation Application form by posted deadlines may delay certification of degree completion and may prevent participation in the May commencement ceremony.

School of Education students who will student teach in the fall semester may participate in the prior May commencement ceremony if they have completed/will complete all of their degree requirements of their declared curriculum (except student teaching) by August. Students should first fill out the online graduation application. Then, fall-semester student teachers may submit to the “Commencement Participation Exception” form signed by their advisor certifying that they will complete or have a concrete plan to complete all coursework before the fall semester. No more than two courses (8 credit maximum) may be taken during the summer to complete these degree requirements.

Candidates for teaching certification (both undergraduate and graduate) must complete the NYSED online application and submit that application information, along with a $10.00 processing fee, to the Academic Planning and Advising office. It is recommended that this be completed by the middle of candidates’ last semester. Information and instructions may be accessed from the”Academic Advising” link (“Teacher Certification”) at dean.geneseo.edu

Diplomas are mailed approximately 90 days after completion of requirements.

Conferral of Degree

Upon the recommendation of the faculty of the College, the Board of Trustees of the State University confers baccalaureate degrees upon students who have fulfilled all graduation requirements. In addition, in order to be eligible for degree conferral, students must have satisfied all financial obligations to the College.

Degree Honors

Graduating students earn degree honor designations by meeting the following criteria:

  1. Completion at the College of a minimum of 45 credits in courses in which quality points are earned;
  2. Attainment of cumulative grade point averages as indicated below:
Degree Honor Designation Grade Point Average Range
Summa Cum Laude 3.80-4.00
Magna Cum Laude 3.65-3.79
Cum Laude 3.50-3.64

At Commencement, prior December and January graduates will be listed with Final Honors.  All other eligible graduates will be listed with Tentative Honors, which do not include spring semester coursework.

Final Honor designations for all eligible students will appear on their degree-bearing transcripts and diplomas.


A transcript reflects the results of all courses in which the student was registered at the College; notes transfer courses for which credit has been granted; and indicates, if applicable, the date of graduation and the degree conferred, or the date of withdrawal, resignation, or dismissal.

Students may authorize the Office of the Registrar to send official transcripts of their permanent records to persons and organizations they designate. All requests may be made online via the Office of the Registrar.

Transcript requests require payment in advance of $7.50 per official transcript sent off campus or presented to students. Students may also print unofficial transcripts from KnightWeb. 


The commencement ceremony for degree candidates is held in May. The convocation activities include announcement of the conferral of degrees, Degree Honors, and presentation of various College awards. Students qualify for participation in May commencement if they have completed all their degree requirements (with the exception of student teaching) in December of the previous calendar year, or will complete them in May or August of the current calendar year (see commencement.geneseo.edu for current information).

Special Sessions

The Summer sessions and winter Intersession offer both undergraduate and graduate level courses during academic sessions apart from the regular fall and spring semesters. The winter Intersession is a single three-week session, while the Summer Sessions vary from three to twelve weeks each for undergraduates and graduate students. Detailed information about courses and special session dates can be found on the web pages for Summer or Intersession.

Undergraduate students who attend the College during the regular academic year need only complete the registration procedure during the fall or spring semesters. Matriculated undergraduate Geneseo students may enroll for no more than five credit hours at the College over Intersession, and are limited to a total of eight credit hours over any single summer part of term at Geneseo, although they may enroll in successive sessions. Students requesting higher credit loads must receive special permission from the Office of the Dean of Academic Planning and Advising.

Students who are enrolled at another institution of higher education may apply to attend summer sessions as non-matriculated. These students should secure permission from their home institutions to transfer credit. Non-matriculated students must submit a completed Application for Undergraduate Non-Matriculated Status form with their registration request.

Special session tuition and fees are not covered by regular fall and spring semester tuition and fee payments. Students enrolled in these sessions pay additional per-credit tuition and fees for their courses. Students on financial aid for fall and spring semesters should consult the Office of Financial Aid regarding applicability of financial aid awards to any Special Sessions.

Students desiring either degree or non-degree graduate status must be admitted prior to registration for courses during any special sessions. Students desiring non-matriculated graduate status may be admitted up to and including the last day to register for a session as outlined by the Registrar’s Office.

A non-matriculated student is limited to an overall maximum of fifteen undergraduate or graduate credits. To register with non-matriculated status, graduate students must submit a completed Graduate Application for Non-Matriculated Status online form with their registration.


Course Numbering System

The following classifications are used in reference to courses:

Number Type
100-199 Introductory Undergraduate
200-299 Intermediate Undergraduate
300-499 Advanced Undergraduate
500-699 Graduate

(Note: Descriptions of graduate level courses are available online.)

The following is from the SUNY policy on program requirements (SUNY Provost Office, 9/16/1976):

Minimum Credit Requirement for Undergraduate Degree Programs

The minimum credit requirements apply to existing and proposed undergraduate degree programs offered by the State University of New York or under its academic supervision. The requirements are consistent with State Education Department requirements and regulations. The minimum total requirement for a bachelor’s degree is 120 credits or the equivalent. Major exceptions, such as those for Time-Variable degrees, must be submitted for review to the Provost of the University. No baccalaureate degree program should require more than 126 credits without strong educational justification.

Programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree should require no more than 36 credits of specialization in a single discipline.

Programs leading to the Bachelor of Science and the Bachelor of Science in Education degree should require no more than 44 credits of specialization in a single discipline. To be awarded a baccalaureate degree, a student must successfully complete at least 45 credits in upper division courses. At least 24 credits of the courses taken within the student’s major field should be at the upper division level.

Effective Fall 2018-2019 Catalog Year:

The above SUNY policy as applied to the Geneseo undergraduate curriculum:

  • Upper division courses at Geneseo are numbered 200-499.
  • The Bachelor of Arts degree should require no more than 36 credits in a single prefix.
  • The Bachelor of Science degree should require no more than 44 credits in a single prefix.
  • Students must complete at least 45 credits in upper division courses, with at least 24 at the 300-499 level.
  • At least 24 of the credits of the courses taken to fulfill the Major and Related Requirement combined should be at the upper division level, with at least 18 credits at the 300-499 level.

Catalog Year

A student’s catalog year is determined by the academic year of matriculation at Geneseo; the student is subject to all graduation requirements, including general education, and programmatic requirements found in the Undergraduate Bulletin for that catalog year. When there is a substantial change in the requirements for a major, minor, or concentration, a student may petition to change the catalog year for only that major, minor, or concentration.

Changes to catalog year for major, minor, or concentration require approval from the academic department and the Associate Provost for Assessment and Curriculum.