Jan 05, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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MUSC 336 - Music, Gender, and Sexuality: (subtitle)

2020-2021 Catalog Year

Credit(s): 3
Lecture: 3
Non-Lecture: 0
A consideration of the relationships between musical practices, styles, and genres to notions of gender and sexuality. Offered under rotating subtitles, topics may include gender and musical genre; music, modernism, and sexuality; opera and queer theory/ opera and feminist criticism; and gender, sexuality and musical media. In addition to Musicological approaches to gender and sexuality studies, this course will also examine foundational texts in feminist theory, queer theory, as well as histories of gender and sexuality by authors such as Foucault, Butler, Sedgwick, and others.

Prerequisite(s): MUSC 227 .
Offered: Regularly though not on a rotating basis
Repeatable: May be repeated once for credit with different subtitles

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