2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
French, Adolescence Education: French, B.A.
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Requirements of the Bachelor of Arts degree, the Workshop course includes FREN 320 , and specified professional preparation courses must be completed for New York State initial certification (see School of Education program description). All student teachers are required to take the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) and pass at the Advanced Low or above level of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) in order to be eligible to student teach. Those students who are planning on student teaching in Fall are encouraged to take the OPI at the end of their first semester junior year, so students who do not score Advanced Low will be able to develop a plan of remediation and have another opportunity before student teaching to take the OPI and achieve the required level. To schedule either of these exams, please read the instructions on the Department’s website or contact the department secretary.
Program Learning Outcomes, Adolescence Foreign Language (ACTFL)
1) Language Proficiency: Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational: Candidates possess a high level of proficiency in the target languages they will teach…They speak in the interpersonal mode of communication at a minimum level of “Advanced Low” on the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview…They interpret oral, printed and video texts by demonstrating both literal and figurative or symbolic comprehension…They present oral and written information to audiences of listeners or readers, using language at a minimum level of “Advanced Low” or “Intermediate High” according to the target language being used….
2) Cultures, Linguistics, Literatures and Concepts from Other Disciplines: Candidates demonstrate understanding of the multiple content areas that comprise the field of foreign language studies. They demonstrate understanding of the interrelatedness of perspectives, products, and practices in the target cultures. Candidates know the linguistic elements of the target language system, and they recognize the changing nature of language. Candidates identify distinctive viewpoints in the literary texts, films, art works, and documents from a range of disciplines accessible to them only through the target language.
3) Language Acquisition Theories and Knowledge of Students and Their Needs: Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the principles of language acquisition and use this knowledge to create linguistically and culturally rich learning environment. They demonstrate an understanding of child and adolescent development, the context of instruction and their students’ backgrounds, skills and learning profiles in order to create a supportive learning environment that meets individual students’ needs.
4) Integration of Standards in Planning, Classroom Practice and Use of Instructional Resources: Candidates understand and use the national Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century, and their state standards to make instructional decisions. Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the standards and integrate them into their curricular planning. They design instructional practices and classroom experiences that address these standards. Candidates use the principles embedded in the standards to select and integrate authentic materials and technology, as well as to adapt and create materials, to support communication in their classrooms.
5) Assessment of Languages and Cultures - Impact on Student Learning: Candidates design ongoing assessments using a variety of asessment models to show evidence of P-12 students’ ability to communicate in the instructed language in interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes; and to express understanding of cultural and literary products, practices, and perspectives of the instructed language. Candidates reflect on results of assessments, adjust instruction, and communicate results to stakeholders.
6) Professional Development, Advocacy and Ethics: Candidates engage in ongoing professional development opportunities that strengthen their own linguistic, cultural and pedagogical competence and promote reflection on practice. Candidates articulate the role and value of languages and cultures in preparing all students to interact successful in the global community of the 21st century. They understand the importance of collaboration to advocate for the learning of languages and cultures. Candidates understand and explain the opportunities and responsibilities inherent in being a professional language educator and are committed to equitable and ethical interactions with all stakeholders.
Department Notes
In general, French and Spanish language courses 101, 102, 201, and 202 are offered every semester. Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese and Latin (from 101 to 201) are generally offered on a 3- or 4- semester rotation (Note: Italian is currently on hiatus due to staffing issues). Arabic and Russian (from 101 to 202) are offered on a 3- or 4- semester rotation.
All incoming freshmen wishing to enroll in 301 must have earned a score of 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement Educational Testing Service Examination or have placed at the 300 level on the departmental Foreign Language Placement Examination.
Placement Exam
The Department´s Placement Examination is offered in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian and Spanish. A placement exam may demonstrate a student´s competency in a foreign language in order to partially or fully meet SUNY Geneseo´s General Education Requirement, which is the equivalent of three college-level courses in a single language (proficiency up to and including the 201 level). A student may take this exam only once in any one language. Online placement examinations take about 30 minutes to complete, are available in French, German, Russian and Spanish, and are offered during Summer Orientation. To take the exam, students must contact the department’s secretary at (585)-245-5247. Please visit the Department’s website for a schedule of dates and times. All students should take the exam before registering in classes.
Prerequisite Guidelines
Generally, no student with previous study in a language will be allowed to enroll in the 101 course for that language. F ailure to enroll in the proper course could result in loss of earned credits. Students are encouraged to take the Placement Examination in the Department to determine their proper placement.
Consult the section on internships in this bulletin for additional information.
Study Abroad Programs
SUNY Geneseo has summer semester and year-long programs in French at the Université de Paris-Sorbonne, France, Université Paul-Valery, Montpellier, France, and in Dakar, Senegal (summer only); semester and year-long study abroad programs in Spanish are available at the Universidad de Cádiz, Spain and Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina; summer, semester and year-long programs in Spanish at the Universidad Nacional in Heredia, Costa Rica, and at Academia Latinoamericana in Cuzco, Peru and Quito, Ecuador; and a Master’s of Spanish Adolescence Education degree that incorporates two semesters of study at Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina. For more information on these and other study abroad programs, contact the Office of Study Abroad Programs or the Department chair.
Note: Where no prerequisites apply, some variation in the order or semester in which courses are taken is possible. Students should consult their academic advisors for additional information.
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